Switchboard Canvas


The sizes array determines the resolution of one or more images to be created in the request.

Specify an object consisting of width and height properties, and optionally a filename property if you wish to specify the resulting image's filename for the resolution.

Not specifying a filename will result in a random identifier being used.

    "template": "sample-image",
    "sizes": [
            "width": 1080,
            "height": 1080,
            "filename": "my-image.png"

You can also include modifiers in the filename specifier to aid in filename generation:

%wwill be replaced with the width
%hwill be replaced with the height
%dwill be replaced with the date
%twill be replaced with the time
    "template": "sample-image",
    "sizes": [
            "width": 1080,
            "height": 800,
            "filename": "output-%wx%h.png"

# output-1080x800.png

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