Switchboard Canvas

Keyboard Shortcuts

Switchboard Canvas offers a series of keyboard shortcuts to make your use of the template designer more efficient.

TAdds a Text element to the template
IAdds an Image element to the template
RAdds a Rectangle element to the template
COpens the Canva integration
Delete or BackspaceRemove the selected element
Control+Shift+VDuplicate the selected element
Arrow KeysNudge the selected element in the given direction by 1 pixel
Shift+Arrow KeysNudge the selected element in the given direction by 20 pixels
WToggles pinning the selected element to the top of the template
AToggles pinning the selected element to the left of the template
DToggles pinning the selected element to the right of the template
SToggles pinning the selected element to the bottom of the template

When using the keyboard shortcuts for toggling pinning (W, A, D, S), if the shortcut toggles the pinning on, the pixel input box will be selected.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when a reference element is in effect. To select a reference element, choose the element you would like to adjust by clicking it, then hover over the element you'd like to use as the reference.

WAligns the top of the selected element to the top of the reference element
AAligns the left of the selected element to the left of the reference element
DAligns the right of the selected element to the right of the reference element
SAligns the bottom of the selected element to the bottom of the reference element
Shift+W or Shift+SMakes the selected element's height the same as that of the reference element
Shift+A or Shift+DMakes the selected element's width the same as that of the reference element
Ctrl+Shift+WToggles aligning selected element's top edge with reference element's top and bottom edges
Ctrl+Shift+SToggles aligning selected element's bottom edge with reference element's top and bottom edges
Ctrl+Shift+AToggles aligning selected element's left edge with reference element's left and right edges
Ctrl+Shift+DToggles aligning selected element's right edge with reference element's left and right edges

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